Gabriel Comia, Jr. l Grand Lodge of the Philippines l SRICF, Pearl of the Orient College l Manila York Rite College l Allied Masonic Degrees l Asoka Conclave - Red Cross of Constantine I Athelstan Court l
Friday, April 19, 2024
Friday, March 15, 2024
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Far East Coomandery No. 1 - Knights Templar Conferral of Order of the Temple
July 1, 2023 Order of the Temple Conferral Team at SRT Masonic Temple, Manila Philippines
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Ceremony Services for SiR Knight and Companion Maven Biscarra / Manila York Rite Bodies
Friday, June 2, 2023
December 12, 1952, 5:00am
Sagittarian Dragon
Sagittarius Rising
Vedic Moon Sign: Hasta Nakshatra
General Manager, Gabcom Realty
Real Estate Sales and Development
PRC Real Estate Broker No. 1528
General Manager,
GCCO Bldg Construction
Civil Engineer # 16449
Real Estate Development
Masonic Profile:
Pagkakaisa Lodge No. 282 Under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines
Initiated : Dec 29, 2002
Passed : March 22, 2003
Raised: July 26, 2003
Junior Warden : 2012
Senior Warden : 2013
Worshipful Master: 2014
District Grand Lecturer: NCR-G : 2015-2016 assigned at King Solomon Lodge No. 150
Grand Lodge Inspector: 2O18 assigned at Batong Buhay Lodge No. 27
Appendant Bodies:
Manila Bodies, Valley of Ermita, Orient of Manila, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
Under the Supreme Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Thirty-Third
and the Last Degree of A. & A. S. R. of Freemasonry of the Republic of the Philippines.
Perfect Elu, Mt. Arayat Lodge of Perfection, Manila Bodies, Valley of Ermita, Orient of Manila, Nov 27, 2OO4
Degree of the Knight Rose Croix, Manu Chapter of Rose Croix, Jan 29, 2OO5
Knight Kadosh, Confucius Council of Kadosh, Feb 25, 2OO5
Master of the Royal Secret of the 32nd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, 23rd April 2OO5
2013 : Junior Warden, Mt. Arayat, Lodge of Perfection.
2012 : Wise Master, Manu Chapter, Knights of Rose Croix
2012 : Commander, Confucius Council of Kadosh
2013 : Master of Kadosh, Gautama Consistory
32 Degree KCCH, Knight Commander of the Court of Honour
York Rite Freemasonry
Luzon York Rite
Luzon Chapter, No. 1 Of Royal Arch Masons, October 14, 2006
Luzon Council No. 9 Of Royal and Select Masters, October 14, 2006
Luzon Commandery No. 9 Of Knights Templars, October 14, 2006
Manila York Rite
Past High Priest 2O17, Manila Chapter No. 2 Of Royal Arch Masons
Past Illustrious Master 2014, Oriental Council No. 1 Of Royal and Select Masters
Past Eminent Commander 2013, Far East Commandery No. 1 Of Knights Templar
Conferred: Super Excellent Master
Elected V111 Grade, Pearl of the Orient College – Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF)
Sovereign Master: 2022
Allied Masonic Degrees, Cavite Council No. 3, AMD Grand Council of the Philippines
Conferred, St Laurence the Martyr 2013
Conferred, Excellent Master 2013
Conferred: 2015
Asoka Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine
Conferred: May 19, 2022
Member of the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross (AMORC) , under the Grand Lodge of Australia – Key Number 4002817, Oct 10, 2002
Societas Italica Rosae + Crucis
Celebrant 2019. Mu Temple Philippine Collegium
A student of Lucis Trust (London) studying the books of Alice Bailey and Dwal Khull
World Server – ARCANE SCHOOL (New York)
Astrology Friends – Member
Association of Professional Astrologers- Member
Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Tzu Wei, Ming Shui, 4 pillars of Destiny
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Asoka Conclave - Red Cross of Constantine
Asoka Conclave - Red Cross of Constantine Installation and Meeting on May 8, 2023, at Philippine Youth Demolay Center, Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
Asoka Conclave is the name of the conclave in Manila, Philippines under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Imperial Council of Knights and the Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant Orders for the United States of America.
The Red Cross of Constantine is officially The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and St. John the Evangelist. There are also two chair degrees conferred on the Viceroy and Sovereign of a Conclave and two honorary orders: Knight Commander of Constantine and Knight Grand Cross. The governing body of the Order for the United States of America and Its Jurisdiction is styled The United Grand Imperial Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant Orders for the United States of America and Its Jurisdiction.
The purpose of the Constantinian Orders is to commemorate the first elevation of Christianity from the position of a despised and proscribed heresy to that of a legally recognized and honored religion, to cultivate the social virtues, appeal to the intellectual and moral qualities, preserve as far as possible the customs of the fraternity and bring about good fellowship and understanding between all branches of Masonry.
Knights Companions of the Order meet in Conclaves of the Red Cross of Constantine and a member must be a Royal Arch Mason in good standing and subscribe to a belief in the Christian religion as revealed in the New Testament. Membership is by invitation and each Conclave has a prescribed membership limit.
The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine is a three-degree Order of masonry, and with its "Appendant Orders" a total of five degrees are conferred within this system. Installation as a “Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine” is admission to the Order’s first degree. There are two more degrees that follow, and also the two other distinct Orders of Masonry (both Christian in character) which are under the control of each national (or regional) Grand Imperial Conclave of the Order.
The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
First Degree – Knight-Mason
On admission to the Order a member becomes a Knight-Mason, or a Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine. This ceremony is known as installation, and is performed in a ‘Conclave’. A Conclave is the regular unit of this Order, and the name for any assembly of members of the Order’s first degree. The ceremony is short and simple, but teaches valuable moral lessons to the candidate, based upon the story of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge.
Second Degree – Priest-Mason (or Installed Eusebius)
On election to serve as Viceroy (the second in command of a Conclave), a member must be admitted to the second degree, by which ceremony he becomes a Venerable Priest-Mason, or an Installed Eusebius. This ceremony is performed in a ‘College’ of Priests-Mason. A College is the name for any assembly of members of the Order’s second degree. The ceremony is highly spiritual in nature, and incorporates more overtly religious symbolism and ritual. Having received this degree the Installed Eusebius or Priest-Mason is entitled to serve as Viceroy in his own, or any other, Conclave or College. In general this degree may only be conferred on those elected to serve as Viceroy of a Conclave, although exceptions are possible by dispensation.
Third Degree – Prince-Mason
On election to serve as Sovereign (the leader of a Conclave), a member must be admitted to the third degree, by which ceremony he becomes a Perfect Prince-Mason. The ceremony is performed in a ‘Senate’ of Princes-Mason. A Senate is the name for any assembly of members of the Order’s third degree. Having received this degree the Prince-Mason is entitled to serve as Sovereign in his own, or any other, Conclave or Senate. Except by dispensation, this degree is only ever conferred on those elected as Sovereign. As with all masonic degrees, it may only be conferred on a person once - therefore a person becoming Sovereign for a second time, or in a different Conclave, would be appointed and installed into office, and would not go for a second time through the full degree ceremony.
The Appendant Orders
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre
The Masonic Order should not be confused with the identically named Order of the Holy Sepulchre within the Roman Catholic Church. Although both Orders recall the same historical events, there is no actual connection between them. The Masonic Order of the Holy Sepulchre has a long and complex ritual of symbolic meaning, based upon the legend of knights guarding the supposed place of burial of Jesus Christ. Both the Masonic and ecclesiastical Orders take the Jerusalem Cross as their symbol, but whereas the ecclesiastical Order displays this cross in red on a white shield, the Masonic Order displays the cross within a circle set at the center of a Cross potent; on the jewel (medal) of the Order, this badge is further enclosed within a black and gold lozenge. A meeting of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre takes place in a ‘Sanctuary’, and the presiding officer is called the 'Prelate'.
The Order of St John the Evangelist
This Order is conferred in a short ceremony of an overtly Christian character; it is common for the Order of St John the Evangelist to be conferred on the same day as the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, one ceremony occurring straight after the other. A meeting of the Order of St John the Evangelist takes place in a ‘Commandery’, and the presiding officer is called the 'Commander'. The jewel of the Order of St John the Evangelist features a silver eagle with its wings extended, to which a crown is added in reference to the role of Commander, or any member of the Order who is a current or past Commander. The eagle is a traditional symbol of St John the Evangelist.
The position of the Red Cross of Constantine among the Masonic appendant bodies in England and Wales
The Legend of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and History of Christianity
Constantine was born in Naissus (today Niš, Serbia), part of the Dardania province of Moesia on 27 February,[37] c. AD 272.[38] His father was Flavius Constantius[j] who was born in the same region (then called Dacia Ripensis)[42][43][39] and a native of the province of Moesia.[44] His original full name, as well as that of his father, is not known.[45][46] His praenomen is variously given as Lucius, Marcus and Gaius.[46] Whatever the case, praenomina had already disappeared from most public records by this time.[47] He also adopted the name "Valerius", the nomen of emperor Diocletian, following his father's ascension as caesar.[46][45]
Constantine probably spent little time with his father[48] who was an officer in the Roman army, part of Emperor Aurelian's imperial bodyguard. Being described as a tolerant and politically skilled man,[49] Constantius advanced through the ranks, earning the governorship of Dalmatia from Emperor Diocletian, another of Aurelian's companions from Illyricum, in 284 or 285.[44] Constantine's mother was Helena, a Greek woman of low social standing from Helenopolis of Bithynia.[50] It is uncertain whether she was legally married to Constantius or merely his concubine.[51] His main language was Latin, and during his public speeches he needed Greek translators.[52]
Council of Nicea
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Seven Heavens in Rosicrucian Philosophy
The Seven Heavens in
Rosicrucian Philosophy
Frater Gabriel Comia, Jr.,VIII
Pearl of the Orient College, SRICF
Seven Heavens in Rosicrucian Order
The Rosicrucian Order is a spiritual and philosophical movement that emerged in Europe in the 17th century, and is characterized by a synthesis of various esoteric and mystical traditions. The concept of the seven heavens is an important part of the Rosicrucian cosmology, and is associated with a hierarchical structure of the universe, which reflects the various stages of spiritual evolution.
According to Rosicrucian teachings, the seven heavens are associated with seven different stages of spiritual evolution, and each heaven is thought to represent a different level of consciousness and spiritual awareness. The order of the heavens, from the outermost to the innermost, is as follows:
Each heaven is believed to be associated with a particular planetary influence, and also with specific qualities and virtues that are associated with the corresponding stage of spiritual evolution. The Rosicrucians also believe that the journey of the soul through the seven heavens is a key part of the process of spiritual development and that by ascending through the heavens, the soul can attain a deeper understanding of the divine and a higher level of consciousness.
Saturn is often associated with the material world and represents the limits of physical reality. The influence of the Saturnian heavens on the journey of the soul is thought to be related to the process of purification and transformation.
According to Rosicrucian teachings, the soul must undergo a series of stages or initiations in order to evolve and ascend to higher levels of consciousness. During this process, the influence of Saturn is said to manifest as a series of tests and trials that the soul must overcome. These tests are designed to help the soul shed its attachment to the material world and purify its consciousness, enabling it to progress to higher levels of spiritual attainment.
Saturn is also associated with the concept of karma in Rosicrucianism. The influence of this planet is said to be related to the law of cause and effect, which governs the actions and consequences of all beings. The Saturnian energies are believed to help the soul understand the consequences of its actions and to learn from its mistakes, ultimately leading to greater wisdom and spiritual evolution.
The influence of the Saturnian heavens in the journey of the soul is seen as a necessary and transformative aspect of spiritual growth in Rosicrucianism. Through its association with purification, transformation, and karma, Saturn is thought to play a crucial role in the evolution of the soul toward higher levels of consciousness.
Jupiter is associated with expansion, growth, and spiritual development. The influence of Jupiter in the journey of the soul is seen as a positive force that helps the soul to expand its consciousness and to connect with higher levels of reality.
Jupiter is also associated with wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual insight. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul gain a greater understanding of the mysteries of the universe and to develop a deeper awareness of the divine nature of reality.
In the context of Rosicrucian teachings, Jupiter is often associated with the concept of initiation. The influence of this planet is believed to play a key role in the process of spiritual initiation, which involves a series of transformative experiences that help the soul progress to higher levels of consciousness.
Jupiter is also associated with the concept of abundance and prosperity. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to attract positive energy and blessings into its life, including material abundance and spiritual blessings.
In summary, the influence of Jupiter in the journey of the soul is seen as a positive and transformative force in Rosicrucianism. Through its association with expansion, growth, wisdom, and prosperity, Jupiter is believed to play a key role in helping the soul to evolve and ascend to higher levels of consciousness.
In Rosicrucianism, Mars is associated with energy, action, and courage. The influence of Mars in the journey of the soul is seen as a necessary force that helps the soul to overcome obstacles and to take action towards its spiritual goals.
Mars is also associated with the concept of willpower and determination. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to develop the inner strength and resolve needed to overcome challenges and to persist in its spiritual journey.
In the context of Rosicrucian teachings, Mars is often associated with the concept of purification through fire. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul burn away impurities and to undergo a process of transformation that prepares it for higher levels of spiritual attainment.
Mars is also associated with the concept of the warrior, who is brave, disciplined, and dedicated to a higher purpose. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul cultivate these qualities and to develop the courage and strength needed to face the challenges of its spiritual journey.
The influence of Mars in the journey of the soul is seen as a necessary and transformative force in Rosicrucianism. Through its association with energy, action, courage, and purification, Mars is believed to play a key role in helping the soul to overcome obstacles and to progress toward higher levels of spiritual attainment.
In Rosicrucianism, the Sun is associated with the concept of illumination, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. The influence of the Sun in the journey of the soul is seen as a powerful force that helps the soul to connect with its higher self and to awaken to the divine nature of reality.
The Sun is also associated with the concept of the divine spark, which is believed to reside within all beings and is the source of their spiritual essence. The influence of the Sun is believed to help the soul to connect with this inner spark and to realize its true nature as a divine being.
In the context of Rosicrucian teachings, the Sun is often associated with the concept of initiation into the mysteries. The influence of this planet is believed to play a key role in the process of spiritual initiation, which involves a series of transformative experiences that help the soul to progress to higher levels of consciousness.
The Sun is also associated with the concept of creativity and self-expression. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to tap into its inner creativity and to express its unique gifts and talents in service to the divine.
In summary, the influence of the Sun in the journey of the soul is seen as a powerful and transformative force in Rosicrucianism. Through its association with illumination, enlightenment, initiation, and creativity, the Sun is believed to play a key role in helping the soul to awaken to its true nature and to realize its full potential as a divine being.
In Rosicrucianism, Venus is associated with the concept of love, beauty, and harmony. The influence of Venus in the journey of the soul is seen as a positive force that helps the soul to cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and empathy towards oneself and others.
Venus is also associated with the concept of the divine feminine and is often seen as a symbol of the goddess archetype. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul connect with its inner feminine qualities, such as intuition, creativity, and nurturing.
In the context of Rosicrucian teachings, Venus is often associated with the concept of transformation through love. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to transform negative emotions, such as fear and anger, into positive ones, such as love and compassion.
Venus is also associated with the concept of balance and harmony. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to achieve balance and harmony within itself and with the world around it, leading to greater inner peace and contentment.
Through its association with love, beauty, harmony, and balance, Venus is believed to play a key role in helping the soul to cultivate positive emotions, connect with its inner feminine qualities, and achieve greater inner harmony and peace.
Mercury is associated with the concept of communication, intelligence, and mental agility. The influence of Mercury in the journey of the soul is seen as a positive force that helps the soul to develop mental clarity, intellectual curiosity, and effective communication skills.
Mercury is also associated with the concept of the messenger, who is quick-witted, adaptable, and versatile. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to develop these qualities and to be open and receptive to new ideas and experiences.
In the context of Rosicrucian teachings, Mercury is often associated with the concept of alchemy, which involves the transformation of the self and the world around us. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to master the art of mental alchemy, which involves transforming negative thoughts and emotions into positive ones.
Mercury is also associated with the concept of the divine spark of intelligence, which is believed to reside within all beings and is the source of their mental abilities. The influence of this planet is believed to help the soul to connect with this inner spark and to cultivate its mental abilities to their fullest potential.
The influence of Mercury in the journey of the soul is seen as a positive and transformative force in Rosicrucianism. Through its association with communication, intelligence, alchemy, and mental agility, Mercury is believed to play a key role in helping the soul to develop its mental abilities, to transform negative thoughts and emotions, and to connect with its inner divine intelligence.
Moon a celestial body near to Earth has a significant influence on the journey of the soul. In Rosicrucian teachings, the Moon is associated with the concept of emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind.
In the context of Rosicrucian teachings, the Moon is often associated with the concept of cycles and rhythms. The influence of this celestial body is believed to help the soul to understand the cyclical nature of life and to embrace change as a natural part of the journey.
The Moon is also associated with the concept of the feminine principle, which is believed to be receptive, nurturing, and intuitive. The influence of this celestial body is believed to help the soul to connect with its inner feminine qualities, such as intuition, compassion, and creativity.
In summary, the influence of the Moon in the journey of the soul is seen as a powerful and transformative force in Rosicrucianism. Through its association with emotions, intuition, cycles, and the feminine principle, the Moon is believed to play a key role in helping the soul to connect with its inner nature, to embrace change, and to cultivate greater self-awareness and self-discovery
Moon is the most influential celestial body in the Seven Heavens
In the concept of the seven heavens, the Moon is often considered the innermost and most influential planet in relation to human life. In astrology, the Moon is associated with emotions, intuition, and nurturing, and is believed to play a crucial role in shaping an individual’s personality, behavior, and relationships.
The Moon’s influence on human life is thought to be particularly significant because it represents the subconscious mind, which is often the driving force behind our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The Moon is also associated with the cycles of nature and the rhythm of life, and its influence is thought to be especially pronounced in relation to the rhythms of the human body, such as the menstrual cycle and sleep patterns.
In many spiritual traditions, the Moon is also associated with the feminine principle and is often seen as a symbol of fertility, creativity, and intuition. Its influence is thought to be especially powerful in relation to women’s health and well-being.
Overall, the Moon is considered a powerful and influential planet in the concept of the seven heavens, and its role in shaping human life is believed to be central to the attainment of spiritual growth and evolution.
In Hindu Philosophy, Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is “atman,” or the belief in soul. This philosophy holds that living creatures have a soul, and they’re all part of the supreme soul.
In Vedic astrology, the Moon’s position at the time of a person’s birth is believed to have a significant influence on their fate and personality. The Moon’s placement in a particular constellation or Nakshatra is believed to determine various aspects of a person’s life, including their emotional nature, tendencies, and destiny.
Nakshatras are fixed constellations or groupings of stars in the sky, and each Nakshatra is associated with certain qualities, characteristics, and planetary influences. Vedic astrology considers the Moon to be the primary indicator of a person’s emotional nature and mental well-being, and its placement in a particular Nakshatra is believed to reveal important information about the individual’s psychological makeup, emotional needs, and karmic destiny.
The Moon’s Nakshatra position is also believed to influence various aspects of a person’s life, including their career, relationships, health, and overall fortune. Vedic astrologers use the Moon’s Nakshatra position, along with other astrological factors, to generate a birth chart or horoscope for an individual, which can provide insight into their character, life path, and potential challenges and opportunities.
Overall, in Vedic astrology, the Moon’s position in a particular Nakshatra is considered a significant factor in determining an individual’s fate and life path, and astrologers pay close attention to its influence when analyzing a person’s birth chart.
SRICF Monitor
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike