Sun In Sagittarius
When a person has his natal Sun in Sagittarius, it means that he belongs to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and has planet Jupiter as its ruling celestial body. The period of Sagittarius starts on the 23rd of November and lasts until the 22nd of December. Slight differences in the exact hours can occur because we should not forget that every fourth year has one day more than the others. The Sun is the brightest object in the sky, the life-giving star of our Solar System, and also the most important celestial body in astrology. Also called Sol, the Sun is impersonated by the ancient Greek god Helios. Life on earth is literally empowered by the Sun’s energy, with it having an effect on all the biorhythms of live organisms.
Astrologically, its influences are so important that most people only know the sign where their Sun is placed in, referring to it just as “their sign”. The Sun rules our vitality and self-perception, making any house it is placed in the epicenter of our life. It has a strong masculine energy, and in the natal chart depicts our father. In addition, it can also show relations with the male gender or generally people who become a father figure for us. In addition, the Sun is strongly connected with activity and self-confidence and rules our personality and ego.
When it is located in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s benevolent rays are blending with the ones of the Sun. Thus, there is a flow of very positive energy that makes the Sun’s attributes even more pleasant.
Sun in Sagittarius people tend to be among the happiest, enjoying whatever life can offer. They love humor and having fun, yet also can adore indulging in procrastination, laziness, and irresponsibility. For them, everyday pleasure is the ultimate goal, and it is rather easily reached through their daily approach towards reality. Jupiter and Sagittarius are the natural rulers of the 9th house, so their effects on a person are quite similar to a natal Sun in the ninth house.
Sagittarius sign people are drawn towards the higher levels of knowledge, and understanding the big picture of the world that surrounds them. The 9th house rules teaching, and eventually, a lot of Sagittarians will end up spreading the knowledge they have acquired. In addition, writing and publishing are also ninth house matters, so they can be quite successful in spreading their ideas (or of other people’s ideas) through written forms. Sun in Sagittarius natives love philosophy and will spend a lot of time on abstract ideas. Yet, they are not so fond of small details, which can easily lead towards following wrong theories. Religion and spiritual paths in general are also part of the realm of Sagittarius. They are at least loosely connected with philosophy, and natives of this sign may be very much attracted to exploring them. This can even lead them to become spiritual gurus, priests or elsehow exercise preaching towards masses. In addition, as the 9th house rules law and its officials,
Sagittarius people are usually having their instinct of fairness strongly developed. This can make them good judges, accepted as a just authority by both sides of a disagreement. Of course, this can also appear in their daily affairs; it is not uncommon that they become the person to whom others come for advice or to solve disputes. Jupiter rules generosity and Sagittarius people will always feel a natural urge to benefit others. They enjoy spreading happiness and contributing to other people’s prosperity. As it is natural for all fire signs, such practices help them raise their own self-esteem and ego as well. They can gain pleasant emotions from being benefactors, in becoming a center of attention and admired by others. Yet, this usually is not the goal;
Sagittarians have a genuine inner need to act big and love creating smiles in other’s faces. Indeed, for people who have their Sun in Sagittarius, a smile is the most powerful life fuel. It is no secret that the 9th house and Sagittarius are connected with long distance travel to other countries, while also learning foreign languages and receiving foreign cultures. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and urges Sun in Sagittarian people towards adventure. They want to discover the world around them, in order to better observe the big picture that we already mentioned. For them, knowledge is power, and the best way to achieve it is by experiencing different things, comparing them and then creating their own belief system. Thus, it is more than normal for them to travel a lot. Sagittarians have a tendency to study abroad for some years, and many of them combine it with higher education – a master’s degree. In any case, this sign has a lot more possibilities to relocate in another country, even if it is temporary. Of course, being so adventurous is not always safe.
Sun in Sagittarius people tend to be luckier than others, because of the benefits that Jupiter gifts them. In addition, it is in their nature to be over-confident. Yet, they should not push their luck too much. They can get away many times with being careless, but it takes one moment without Jupiter’s protection for a catastrophe to happen. The best advice for Sagittarius sign people is not to take unnecessary risks so that they keep away from trouble. It is not a big sacrifice to do, yet it can bring stable prosperity in their adventures and exploration of the world around them.
Other problems of Sun in Sagittarius’ behavior are an absence of patience, while also a lack of tactfulness regarding honesty. People of this sign will many times not consider possible reactions of other individuals, and hurt them by presenting an honest opinion that they are not ready to hear. The worst thing that a Sun in Sagittarius individual can experience, is boredom. When they are bored, they feel imprisoned and they just must escape, fly away. That is why Sagittarius people can be unstable in their relations with people, and generally prefer chaotic patterns of life depending on their moods. Whatever and whoever appeal them at a certain moment will receive their time. It is very difficult for them to spend a lot of their time on things and people that do not intrigue their mind.
The sign of Sagittarius belongs to the element of fire, together with Aries and Leo. Fire people usually are more active and impulsive, with a quicker pace of life. They like to lead more than follow, and to be the center of attention. Yet, Sun in Sagittarius individuals will battle less for leadership, as they do not enjoy responsibilities. For them, leading roles may come more easily, and even then, they may not accept them. Such individuals will prefer more symbolic forms of leadership, that do not involve organizing the structure that they rule. They will like to lead only if the procedure is fun. Individuals that have Sagittarius as their sign can become great teachers and professors, or elsehow work in the field of passing knowledge towards other. Writing and publishing are also under the rule of Sagittarius, as we already mentioned. In addition, all careers connected with traveling are quite suitable – no matter if they own a travel agency, work in aviation, ships, or just write about travel.
In addition, as Sagittarius rules humor, they can be successful as comedians, or entertainment business. The connection of Sagittarius to philosophy and religion may prompt them to become preachers, or even become motivational speakers. Also, we should not forget that anything involving foreign countries is under Sagittarian rule. This makes import and export another successful area that they can enter. Of course, foreign languages and translations are another field where they can excel. Finally, long distance work is also an option, while another interesting tendency that Sagittarius people have is not to work at all. This can be for them even a perfect option, allowing them to have a lot of time to enjoy life. So, in case that a Sagittarius already has a lot of money, he will probably not work but prefer to travel around the world, be happy and maybe later write and publish – without having financial gains as a goal. People with their natal Sun in Sagittarius usually are very relaxed in their relationships. They will not take things seriously and prefer to concentrate on the fun part of relations. For them, loose bonds are better than stable ones, as they cannot feel imprisoned and pressured. They enjoy individuals with a good sense of humor, and cannot stand misery in other people. When they feel that another person does not have a positive approach towards life, they may keep away from him.
A Sagittarius cannot become a babysitter, healing the depressive moods of others. He needs active happy people, with whom he can experience the happiness of life on an even higher level. On the other hand, this less than serious approach may make them lose people who crave for stability.
Jupiter and Sagittarius rule our thighs, hips, and liver. These are also the body parts that can more easily suffer during difficult transits to the native’s natal Sun. In case that someone has adverse natal aspects to it, they can even experience chronic problems. The Sun in our charts rules our own father. Thus, in case it is in Sagittarius, it will give a Sagittarian type of father. There is a high possibility that the father is occupied in one of the Sagittarian professions, mentioned above. He usually is an easy-going and funny person, who may have been a quite positive influence. Especially if the native’s Sun is well aspected, he will perceive his father as a source of joy, a person who radiates happiness. His father can frequently
Have his Sun in Sagittarius as well. Alternatively, his father may have a lot of planets in Sagittarius, or his Jupiter strong by placement and aspects. An adversely aspected Sun may indicate that the father is lazy and unorganized, caring too much about his personal hedonism in life and not serious enough in raising his child. Another pattern that frequently appears with bad aspects, is the father eating a lot and being quite fat, which is connected with the expansive traits of Jupiter. We should always keep in our mind that no Sagittarius is the same as another. The biggest mistake is to think that only by knowing our Sun sign, we can use astrology.
In case you are a Sagittarius, care to find out at which degree of Sagittarius your Sun resides. By creating a natal chart, you can also find out in which house it resides. Also, examine the aspects that the Sun forms with other planets in your natal chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that the Sun has in your horoscope. After all, the Sun is the core of your existence, and definitely signifies an important part of our lifepath.
Ascendant in Sagittarius
The Ascendant or Rising sign is the name given to the sign on the eastern horizon during the time of birth of an individual. Having a Sagittarius Ascendant means that during your birth, the sign of Sagittarius was rising from above the ground, the same way that the Sun rises. People who have Sagittarius as their rising sign, have Jupiter (Sagittarius’ ruling planet) as their overall chart ruler. Jupiter is considered the most benefic planet, and thus having it as your chart ruler definitely gives you a boost of luck and protection. Thus, you should also examine the condition of your natal Jupiter when referring to your Ascendant.
Our Rising Sign is a very important astrological parameter, even though many theories are proposed by different astrologers and astrological systems. Still, most agree that the Ascendant defines our body and physical characteristics, also playing a strong role in the development of our character. This is quite natural, as the 1st house (the Ascendant being on its cusp) is responsible for our ego, self-perception and behavior. We should keep in mind, that when the Ascendant is at the beginning of a sign, the sign’s traits are more potent than when it is placed at its end. When the next sign occupies the biggest part of the 1st house, it naturally gives a lot of its traits to the native’s character and even to his body.
If your Ascendant is at the last degrees of a sign, you can consider the next sign as a co-Ascendant. Many people though, experience the next sign to behave as the Rising sign a lot more than the one which is actually rising. Before we continue with the traits the sign grants, we should mention that depending on the geographical latitude, each sign needs slightly different time to ascend. If we are born near the equator, the differences are hardly visible. Yet, the closer we are born to any of the two poles, the better the differences between signs can be visible. This is also the reason why people born in rather extreme northern or southern latitudes can experience rather strange natal charts, with some houses being huge while some others quite small. As always, we propose to our readers to use the Placidus system in calculating their houses, because we find it to function better both on our own charts and on the charts of other people that we have analyzed. In the northern hemisphere, Sagittarius is rising rather slowly.
When someone is born at 50 degrees Northern latitude, the sign will need two hours and thirty minutes to rise fully. At a city placed at 60 degrees Northern latitude, the sign will need around two hours and fourty minutes. Thus, a person born in the Northern hemisphere has statistically a little bit more possibilities to have a Sagittarius Ascendant, when the average time a sign needs to Ascend is two hours. As we already mentioned, individuals with a Sagittarius Ascendant will have Jupiter as their chart ruler. The planet of expansion will be very important in their lives, and also strongly connected with their physical body, vitality and appearance. Their body and self will be affected not only by transits of planets through their Ascendant, but also by transits to their natal Jupiter. In addition, natal aspects of other planets to the chart ruler, while also its location in a particular house, will play a strong role. People with Sagittarius rising must take care to empower their Jupiter in healthy ways, as its functions will always have a positive or negative effect overall on their chart, touching all their life areas. Because Jupiter has a natural urge to expand everything, such individuals must learn to exercise modesty and avoid exaggerating. This way they will be able to tame those expansive characteristics, which could create issues when going out of control.
Having Sagittarius as your Ascendant feels like having Jupiter in your 1st house. The native has a positive approach to life, and is a natural optimist. He likes having fun and laughing, and usually is easily accepted by other people due to his out-going character. They are curious individuals, always ready to discover the world around them. The natural expansive traits of Sagittarius make them need action, as they cannot stand feeling entrapped. This makes them be constantly on the move, yet on the other hand definitely diminishes stability. Other people may frequently think they lack seriousness, behaving as children and being quite light-headed in their decisions. Yet, a Sagittarius Ascendant person has faith in himself, being confident that any decision will actually bring a good outcome. This inner positivity can help them overcome difficulties, and see their life through a filter full of hope. Eventually, success and positive outcomes do happen, and the suffering experienced in reaching them is minimized due to this positive approach towards reality. As a body, Sagittarius Ascendant people tend to have elongated limbs, if proportionally compared to the average person. There are some possibilities of weight problems, especially if other factors contribute to that (like natal aspects to Jupiter or impaired planets in the 1st house). We should not forget that expansion is good unless it gets out of control, that is why people with such an Ascendant should be careful to not have rapid weight changes – to both directions.
As all fire sign Ascendants, when the individual is a male he may have problems with baldness concerning his hair. The fire Ascendants are considered to be too hot and dry for the hair, leading many times to their loss. Sagittarius Ascendant people tend to smile more than others – even without any apparent reason. They can be easily recognizable in a crowd because of this characteristic, or because they are joking and deliberately behaving silly. This rising sign tends to give an oval face, a correct nose and beautiful legs and hands. Other people perceive them as friendly and funny, and usually do not need a lot of time to adapt to their presence.
A Sagittarius Rising person will adore traveling, gifting to his mind new images and the feeling that he is not tied to a certain geographical spot. In addition, understanding new cultures, religions and languages offers him the necessary thrill to feel alive. Jupiterian restlessness is being satisfied through frequent traveling, and when they cannot physically travel, a book can be the best aid to make those long journeys mentally. They can either choose to learn a new language, understand the basis of an exotic religion or learn another nation’s culture. Usually, this preparation will lead to visiting that foreign place someday in their life, as daydreaming will form a strong bridge to the realization of their fantasy.
Natives with their Ascendant in Sagittarius are usually very talkative, especially about subjects that are more abstract and philosophical – or even academic. They can talk hours about higher knowledge, the exact opposite of Gemini Ascendant which prefer to talk for hours about trivial information and chit-chat. Sagittarius Rising people can have a very broad area of interests, making them interesting for communicating on many levels. Yet, this defragmentation of knowledge into many niches will definitely make them lack in details compared to people who specialize in some concrete subjects.
Sagittarius Rising people will adore taking part in recreational activities that promote fun and humor, and that involve a lot of people, contributing to a shared wellbeing. In case these activities also involve food and people of different cultures, they will be even happier and shining. They take huge pleasure in seeing others spending their time in good ways, and thus will frequently be the organizers of such events – and not only attend them. After all, they cannot stand routine and such symposiums can only bring unexpected happiness – while also broaden their horizons even more as they usually end up in deep conversations.
The Sagittarius Ascendant body is governed by Jupiter, so it may also experience dysfunctions connected and ruled by the sign and the planet. Sagittarius rules our hips, thighs and liver, while Jupiter is also connected with fat and the sciatic nerves. Thus, difficult transits to such an individual’s Ascendant or to natal Jupiter can affect the body parts mentioned above. Always have in mind that any planet present near the Ascendant point will definitely alter both the physical appearance and the characteristics of the native. We could say that in the first 10 degrees of the first house it will have the strongest influence on the Ascendant, while also the last 5 degrees of the 12th house. The planet’s energies blend with the Ascendant ones; we can imagine the sign as a canvas while the planet as the paint that will, in the end, create the unique picture of the individual.
Of course, it is possible to have more than one planets (or astrological points/ asteroids) in conjunction with the ascendant – furthermore complicating the big picture. To understand better your body, your Ego and how they function you should analyze all those planetary influences. This is why knowing your Ascendant does not necessarily mean jumping to correct conclusions about your life.
Astrologically, its influences are so important that most people only know the sign where their Sun is placed in, referring to it just as “their sign”. The Sun rules our vitality and self-perception, making any house it is placed in the epicenter of our life. It has a strong masculine energy, and in the natal chart depicts our father. In addition, it can also show relations with the male gender or generally people who become a father figure for us. In addition, the Sun is strongly connected with activity and self-confidence and rules our personality and ego.
When it is located in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s benevolent rays are blending with the ones of the Sun. Thus, there is a flow of very positive energy that makes the Sun’s attributes even more pleasant.
Sun in Sagittarius people tend to be among the happiest, enjoying whatever life can offer. They love humor and having fun, yet also can adore indulging in procrastination, laziness, and irresponsibility. For them, everyday pleasure is the ultimate goal, and it is rather easily reached through their daily approach towards reality. Jupiter and Sagittarius are the natural rulers of the 9th house, so their effects on a person are quite similar to a natal Sun in the ninth house.
Sagittarius sign people are drawn towards the higher levels of knowledge, and understanding the big picture of the world that surrounds them. The 9th house rules teaching, and eventually, a lot of Sagittarians will end up spreading the knowledge they have acquired. In addition, writing and publishing are also ninth house matters, so they can be quite successful in spreading their ideas (or of other people’s ideas) through written forms. Sun in Sagittarius natives love philosophy and will spend a lot of time on abstract ideas. Yet, they are not so fond of small details, which can easily lead towards following wrong theories. Religion and spiritual paths in general are also part of the realm of Sagittarius. They are at least loosely connected with philosophy, and natives of this sign may be very much attracted to exploring them. This can even lead them to become spiritual gurus, priests or elsehow exercise preaching towards masses. In addition, as the 9th house rules law and its officials,
Sagittarius people are usually having their instinct of fairness strongly developed. This can make them good judges, accepted as a just authority by both sides of a disagreement. Of course, this can also appear in their daily affairs; it is not uncommon that they become the person to whom others come for advice or to solve disputes. Jupiter rules generosity and Sagittarius people will always feel a natural urge to benefit others. They enjoy spreading happiness and contributing to other people’s prosperity. As it is natural for all fire signs, such practices help them raise their own self-esteem and ego as well. They can gain pleasant emotions from being benefactors, in becoming a center of attention and admired by others. Yet, this usually is not the goal;
Sagittarians have a genuine inner need to act big and love creating smiles in other’s faces. Indeed, for people who have their Sun in Sagittarius, a smile is the most powerful life fuel. It is no secret that the 9th house and Sagittarius are connected with long distance travel to other countries, while also learning foreign languages and receiving foreign cultures. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and urges Sun in Sagittarian people towards adventure. They want to discover the world around them, in order to better observe the big picture that we already mentioned. For them, knowledge is power, and the best way to achieve it is by experiencing different things, comparing them and then creating their own belief system. Thus, it is more than normal for them to travel a lot. Sagittarians have a tendency to study abroad for some years, and many of them combine it with higher education – a master’s degree. In any case, this sign has a lot more possibilities to relocate in another country, even if it is temporary. Of course, being so adventurous is not always safe.
Sun in Sagittarius people tend to be luckier than others, because of the benefits that Jupiter gifts them. In addition, it is in their nature to be over-confident. Yet, they should not push their luck too much. They can get away many times with being careless, but it takes one moment without Jupiter’s protection for a catastrophe to happen. The best advice for Sagittarius sign people is not to take unnecessary risks so that they keep away from trouble. It is not a big sacrifice to do, yet it can bring stable prosperity in their adventures and exploration of the world around them.
Other problems of Sun in Sagittarius’ behavior are an absence of patience, while also a lack of tactfulness regarding honesty. People of this sign will many times not consider possible reactions of other individuals, and hurt them by presenting an honest opinion that they are not ready to hear. The worst thing that a Sun in Sagittarius individual can experience, is boredom. When they are bored, they feel imprisoned and they just must escape, fly away. That is why Sagittarius people can be unstable in their relations with people, and generally prefer chaotic patterns of life depending on their moods. Whatever and whoever appeal them at a certain moment will receive their time. It is very difficult for them to spend a lot of their time on things and people that do not intrigue their mind.
The sign of Sagittarius belongs to the element of fire, together with Aries and Leo. Fire people usually are more active and impulsive, with a quicker pace of life. They like to lead more than follow, and to be the center of attention. Yet, Sun in Sagittarius individuals will battle less for leadership, as they do not enjoy responsibilities. For them, leading roles may come more easily, and even then, they may not accept them. Such individuals will prefer more symbolic forms of leadership, that do not involve organizing the structure that they rule. They will like to lead only if the procedure is fun. Individuals that have Sagittarius as their sign can become great teachers and professors, or elsehow work in the field of passing knowledge towards other. Writing and publishing are also under the rule of Sagittarius, as we already mentioned. In addition, all careers connected with traveling are quite suitable – no matter if they own a travel agency, work in aviation, ships, or just write about travel.
In addition, as Sagittarius rules humor, they can be successful as comedians, or entertainment business. The connection of Sagittarius to philosophy and religion may prompt them to become preachers, or even become motivational speakers. Also, we should not forget that anything involving foreign countries is under Sagittarian rule. This makes import and export another successful area that they can enter. Of course, foreign languages and translations are another field where they can excel. Finally, long distance work is also an option, while another interesting tendency that Sagittarius people have is not to work at all. This can be for them even a perfect option, allowing them to have a lot of time to enjoy life. So, in case that a Sagittarius already has a lot of money, he will probably not work but prefer to travel around the world, be happy and maybe later write and publish – without having financial gains as a goal. People with their natal Sun in Sagittarius usually are very relaxed in their relationships. They will not take things seriously and prefer to concentrate on the fun part of relations. For them, loose bonds are better than stable ones, as they cannot feel imprisoned and pressured. They enjoy individuals with a good sense of humor, and cannot stand misery in other people. When they feel that another person does not have a positive approach towards life, they may keep away from him.
A Sagittarius cannot become a babysitter, healing the depressive moods of others. He needs active happy people, with whom he can experience the happiness of life on an even higher level. On the other hand, this less than serious approach may make them lose people who crave for stability.
Jupiter and Sagittarius rule our thighs, hips, and liver. These are also the body parts that can more easily suffer during difficult transits to the native’s natal Sun. In case that someone has adverse natal aspects to it, they can even experience chronic problems. The Sun in our charts rules our own father. Thus, in case it is in Sagittarius, it will give a Sagittarian type of father. There is a high possibility that the father is occupied in one of the Sagittarian professions, mentioned above. He usually is an easy-going and funny person, who may have been a quite positive influence. Especially if the native’s Sun is well aspected, he will perceive his father as a source of joy, a person who radiates happiness. His father can frequently
Have his Sun in Sagittarius as well. Alternatively, his father may have a lot of planets in Sagittarius, or his Jupiter strong by placement and aspects. An adversely aspected Sun may indicate that the father is lazy and unorganized, caring too much about his personal hedonism in life and not serious enough in raising his child. Another pattern that frequently appears with bad aspects, is the father eating a lot and being quite fat, which is connected with the expansive traits of Jupiter. We should always keep in our mind that no Sagittarius is the same as another. The biggest mistake is to think that only by knowing our Sun sign, we can use astrology.
In case you are a Sagittarius, care to find out at which degree of Sagittarius your Sun resides. By creating a natal chart, you can also find out in which house it resides. Also, examine the aspects that the Sun forms with other planets in your natal chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that the Sun has in your horoscope. After all, the Sun is the core of your existence, and definitely signifies an important part of our lifepath.
Ascendant in Sagittarius
The Ascendant or Rising sign is the name given to the sign on the eastern horizon during the time of birth of an individual. Having a Sagittarius Ascendant means that during your birth, the sign of Sagittarius was rising from above the ground, the same way that the Sun rises. People who have Sagittarius as their rising sign, have Jupiter (Sagittarius’ ruling planet) as their overall chart ruler. Jupiter is considered the most benefic planet, and thus having it as your chart ruler definitely gives you a boost of luck and protection. Thus, you should also examine the condition of your natal Jupiter when referring to your Ascendant.
Our Rising Sign is a very important astrological parameter, even though many theories are proposed by different astrologers and astrological systems. Still, most agree that the Ascendant defines our body and physical characteristics, also playing a strong role in the development of our character. This is quite natural, as the 1st house (the Ascendant being on its cusp) is responsible for our ego, self-perception and behavior. We should keep in mind, that when the Ascendant is at the beginning of a sign, the sign’s traits are more potent than when it is placed at its end. When the next sign occupies the biggest part of the 1st house, it naturally gives a lot of its traits to the native’s character and even to his body.
If your Ascendant is at the last degrees of a sign, you can consider the next sign as a co-Ascendant. Many people though, experience the next sign to behave as the Rising sign a lot more than the one which is actually rising. Before we continue with the traits the sign grants, we should mention that depending on the geographical latitude, each sign needs slightly different time to ascend. If we are born near the equator, the differences are hardly visible. Yet, the closer we are born to any of the two poles, the better the differences between signs can be visible. This is also the reason why people born in rather extreme northern or southern latitudes can experience rather strange natal charts, with some houses being huge while some others quite small. As always, we propose to our readers to use the Placidus system in calculating their houses, because we find it to function better both on our own charts and on the charts of other people that we have analyzed. In the northern hemisphere, Sagittarius is rising rather slowly.
When someone is born at 50 degrees Northern latitude, the sign will need two hours and thirty minutes to rise fully. At a city placed at 60 degrees Northern latitude, the sign will need around two hours and fourty minutes. Thus, a person born in the Northern hemisphere has statistically a little bit more possibilities to have a Sagittarius Ascendant, when the average time a sign needs to Ascend is two hours. As we already mentioned, individuals with a Sagittarius Ascendant will have Jupiter as their chart ruler. The planet of expansion will be very important in their lives, and also strongly connected with their physical body, vitality and appearance. Their body and self will be affected not only by transits of planets through their Ascendant, but also by transits to their natal Jupiter. In addition, natal aspects of other planets to the chart ruler, while also its location in a particular house, will play a strong role. People with Sagittarius rising must take care to empower their Jupiter in healthy ways, as its functions will always have a positive or negative effect overall on their chart, touching all their life areas. Because Jupiter has a natural urge to expand everything, such individuals must learn to exercise modesty and avoid exaggerating. This way they will be able to tame those expansive characteristics, which could create issues when going out of control.
Having Sagittarius as your Ascendant feels like having Jupiter in your 1st house. The native has a positive approach to life, and is a natural optimist. He likes having fun and laughing, and usually is easily accepted by other people due to his out-going character. They are curious individuals, always ready to discover the world around them. The natural expansive traits of Sagittarius make them need action, as they cannot stand feeling entrapped. This makes them be constantly on the move, yet on the other hand definitely diminishes stability. Other people may frequently think they lack seriousness, behaving as children and being quite light-headed in their decisions. Yet, a Sagittarius Ascendant person has faith in himself, being confident that any decision will actually bring a good outcome. This inner positivity can help them overcome difficulties, and see their life through a filter full of hope. Eventually, success and positive outcomes do happen, and the suffering experienced in reaching them is minimized due to this positive approach towards reality. As a body, Sagittarius Ascendant people tend to have elongated limbs, if proportionally compared to the average person. There are some possibilities of weight problems, especially if other factors contribute to that (like natal aspects to Jupiter or impaired planets in the 1st house). We should not forget that expansion is good unless it gets out of control, that is why people with such an Ascendant should be careful to not have rapid weight changes – to both directions.
As all fire sign Ascendants, when the individual is a male he may have problems with baldness concerning his hair. The fire Ascendants are considered to be too hot and dry for the hair, leading many times to their loss. Sagittarius Ascendant people tend to smile more than others – even without any apparent reason. They can be easily recognizable in a crowd because of this characteristic, or because they are joking and deliberately behaving silly. This rising sign tends to give an oval face, a correct nose and beautiful legs and hands. Other people perceive them as friendly and funny, and usually do not need a lot of time to adapt to their presence.
A Sagittarius Rising person will adore traveling, gifting to his mind new images and the feeling that he is not tied to a certain geographical spot. In addition, understanding new cultures, religions and languages offers him the necessary thrill to feel alive. Jupiterian restlessness is being satisfied through frequent traveling, and when they cannot physically travel, a book can be the best aid to make those long journeys mentally. They can either choose to learn a new language, understand the basis of an exotic religion or learn another nation’s culture. Usually, this preparation will lead to visiting that foreign place someday in their life, as daydreaming will form a strong bridge to the realization of their fantasy.
Natives with their Ascendant in Sagittarius are usually very talkative, especially about subjects that are more abstract and philosophical – or even academic. They can talk hours about higher knowledge, the exact opposite of Gemini Ascendant which prefer to talk for hours about trivial information and chit-chat. Sagittarius Rising people can have a very broad area of interests, making them interesting for communicating on many levels. Yet, this defragmentation of knowledge into many niches will definitely make them lack in details compared to people who specialize in some concrete subjects.
Sagittarius Rising people will adore taking part in recreational activities that promote fun and humor, and that involve a lot of people, contributing to a shared wellbeing. In case these activities also involve food and people of different cultures, they will be even happier and shining. They take huge pleasure in seeing others spending their time in good ways, and thus will frequently be the organizers of such events – and not only attend them. After all, they cannot stand routine and such symposiums can only bring unexpected happiness – while also broaden their horizons even more as they usually end up in deep conversations.
The Sagittarius Ascendant body is governed by Jupiter, so it may also experience dysfunctions connected and ruled by the sign and the planet. Sagittarius rules our hips, thighs and liver, while Jupiter is also connected with fat and the sciatic nerves. Thus, difficult transits to such an individual’s Ascendant or to natal Jupiter can affect the body parts mentioned above. Always have in mind that any planet present near the Ascendant point will definitely alter both the physical appearance and the characteristics of the native. We could say that in the first 10 degrees of the first house it will have the strongest influence on the Ascendant, while also the last 5 degrees of the 12th house. The planet’s energies blend with the Ascendant ones; we can imagine the sign as a canvas while the planet as the paint that will, in the end, create the unique picture of the individual.
Of course, it is possible to have more than one planets (or astrological points/ asteroids) in conjunction with the ascendant – furthermore complicating the big picture. To understand better your body, your Ego and how they function you should analyze all those planetary influences. This is why knowing your Ascendant does not necessarily mean jumping to correct conclusions about your life.
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