Saturday, May 18, 2024

Manila York Rite College No. 170



Installation of Elected and Appointed Officers for the Year 2024-2025

Venue:  Philippine Demolay Youth Center, GLP

Date: May 13, 2024

Officers for 2024-2025

Pre-Eminent Governor- ED BRO. Arlen P De Guzman OPC
Eminent Deputy Governor- CK Juanito P. Abergas 
Eminent Chancellor- CK Pravin T. Sharma
Eminent Treasurer- CK Alvan Joseph T. Balazo
Eminent Secretary - RED Bro. Evaristo A Leviste -Past Gr Gov, KCPC 
Noble Primate- CK Henry W. Cheng
Noble Preceptor- CK Eddie C. Ong
Noble Seneschal- CK Ruel L. Ditan
Noble Marshal- CK Gabriel C. Comia, Jr.
Noble Standard Bearer- CK Honesto S. Lubag 
Noble Sentinel- CK Jomel Dennis L. Maranan 
Noble Organist- CK Jesher Y. Go
Noble First Herald- CK Michael Francis M. Perez
Noble Second Herald- CK Victor Antonio T. Espejo
Noble Auditor-RED Bro. Nestor V. Tampol, OPC Gr Governor

Immediate Past Governor-ED Bro. Edgar D. Lim, OPC

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