The Lost Word and the Magnum Opus: A Masonic Journey Through Chivalry, Alchemy, and Kabbalah
By Knight Companion Gabriel Comia, Jr. 2.24.2025
For the enlightenment of my Knight Companions in the Red Cross of Constantine,and all seekers of the Great Work
The Quest for the Lost Word
This sacred Word, hidden since the destruction of the First Temple, is sought by Masons,
Masonic Chivalry (York Rite & Red Cross of Constantine) represents the outer path of divine service and sacred duty.
Rosicrucian Alchemy (SRICF) unveils the inner transmutation of the soul in its quest for illumination.
Kabbalah and the Tetragrammaton hold the hidden key to the Word, uniting both paths in a singular esoteric truth.
This is not merely a theoretical study—it is a practical guide to the seeker’s path, where chivalry, alchemy, and Kabbalah merge into the ultimate realization of the Sacred Word.
I. The Masonic Quest: Chivalry and the Lost Word
The York Rite of Freemasonry teaches that the Lost Word was once known but became veiled in darkness. The degrees of the Royal Arch, Cryptic Council, and Knights Templar attempt to recover it, yet the Word remains beyond mere language—
it is a spiritual state of being.1. The Red Cross of Constantine: Victory Through the Sacred Name
In the Red Cross of Constantine (RCC), we find a powerful Christian mystery. The vision of Constantine—In Hoc Signo Vinces—declares that victory comes through the Sacred Word of God. The cross itself, the symbol of our Order, mirrors the Tetragrammaton’s fourfold power, representing divine unity in the material world.
2. The Knight’s Path as an Alchemical Journey
The chivalric path is not merely one of knightly service but of spiritual transformation. Just as the alchemist refines base metal into gold, the Knight undergoes a purification of the soul to embody the Divine Word.
The Royal Arch (High Priesthood) → Seeks the hidden mysteries of the Word.
The Cryptic Council (Illustrious Master) → Guards the sacred knowledge in the Vault.
The Commandery of Knights Templar → Defends the Truth as the final step before revelation.
This journey mirrors the three major stages of alchemical transmutation:
Nigredo (Blackening) – The Knight’s trials and purification.
Albedo (Whitening) – The awakening of divine knowledge.
Rubedo (Reddening) – The ultimate union with the Divine.
The Knight’s journey, then, is an alchemical process that leads to the true revelation of the Lost Word.
II. The Rosicrucian Path: Alchemy and the Hidden Word
Beyond Masonic chivalry, the Rosicrucian tradition (SRICF) unveils the deeper alchemical meaning of the Word. The Magnum Opus, the Great Work, mirrors the Tetragrammaton’s structure, revealing that the Lost Word is not just spoken—it is experienced through transformation.
1. The Tetragrammaton and the Fourfold Alchemical Process
The Divine Name YHWH (יהוה) is encoded within the four elements of alchemy:
Yod (י – Fire) → The blackening (Nigredo) – The destruction of the profane.
Heh (ה – Water) → The whitening (Albedo) – The purification of the soul.
Vav (ו – Air) → The yellowing (Citrinitas) – The illumination of divine wisdom.
Heh (ה – Earth) → The reddening (Rubedo) – The final manifestation of the Word.
2. The Rosicrucian Magnum Opus as the Restoration of the Word
The Fama Fraternitatis speaks of the hidden vault, just as in Royal Arch Masonry.
The Confessio Fraternitatis reveals that true knowledge is reserved for the worthy initiate.
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz mirrors the alchemical wedding of sulfur
and mercury, the divine masculine and feminine, necessary to manifest the Lost Word.
In this sense, the Magnum Opus is the key to restoring the Sacred Word. The alchemist, much like the Knight, must undergo trials, purification, and spiritual rebirth before the Word can be fully realized.
III. Kabbalah and the Tree of Life: The Inner Mystery of the Word
The Tetragrammaton is more than a Name—it is a path of divine ascent. In the Tree of Life, it corresponds to the four levels of reality:
Atziluth (Emanation – Fire/Yod) → The Divine Presence.
Briah (Creation – Water/Heh) → The World of Thought.
Yetzirah (Formation – Air/Vav) → The World of Formation.
Assiah (Action – Earth/Heh) → The Physical Manifestation.
Thus, the Lost Word is the very structure of creation, encoded within the Divine Name itself.
The Holy of Holies (Kether) represents the hidden Word.
The Middle Pillar (Tiphereth) is the pathway to the Word.
The Masonic Apron and the Rosicrucian Rose Cross symbolize the seeker’s progress toward that Word of Light.
Thus, the final revelation of the Word is the return to unity with the Divine.
The Great Work as the Restoration of the Word
The quest for the Lost Word, the foundation of Masonic initiation, is nothing less than the Magnum Opus of the soul.
The Knight’s duty is to guard and seek the Word.
The Alchemist’s path is to transmute the soul to become the Word.
The Kabbalist’s wisdom reveals that the Word is the blueprint of the universe itself.
Thus, the true Lost Word is not a single utterance—it is the completion of the Great Work. The state of enlightenment is where the initiate becomes the Word-made flesh.
May all who seek the Sacred Name walk this Great Path with wisdom, courage, and divine illumination.
In Hoc Signo Vinces – Dat Rosa Mel Apibus
Dedicated to my Knight Companions of the Red Cross of Constantine and all seekers of the Lost Word.
Enthronement of the incoming Puissant Sovereign KC Honesto S Lubag
and Consecration of the incoming Viceroy KC Pravin Sharma.
Officers 2025
Puissant Sovereign- KC Honesto S. Lubag
Eminent Viceroy- KC Pravin T. Sharma
Senior General- KC Juanito P. Abergas
Junior General- KC Ruel L Ditan
Recorder- KC Sonny Leviste
Treasurer- KC Jesher Y Go
Prelate- KC Edgar D Lim
Prefect- KC Emmanuel R Bravo
Standard Bearer- KC Gabriel C Comia, Jr.
Herald- KC Henry W Cheng
Sentinel- KC Alvan Joseph T. Balazo
Orator- KC Gerald D Ege
Auditor- KC Nestor V Tampol PPS
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