Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Asoka Conclave Red Cross of Constantine - September 9, 2025 Meeting



Sovereign Governor=  Arlen P. De Guzman
Eminent Viceroy - Honesto R. Lubag
Orator - Henry Cheng
Herald - gabriel Comia, Jr.

The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine

The Red Cross of Constantine, or more formally the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Appendant Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist, is a Christian fraternal order of Freemasonry. Candidates for the order must already be members of Craft Freemasonry (lodge) and Royal Arch Freemasonry (chapter); they must also be members of the Christian religion, and proclaim their belief in the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity.[1]

The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine is a three-degree Order of masonry, and with its “Appendant Orders” a total of five degrees are conferred within this system. Installation as a “Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine” is admission to the Order’s first degree. There are two more degrees which follow, and also the two other distinct Orders of Masonry (both Christian in character) which are under the control of each national (or regional) Grand Imperial Conclave of the Order.

First Degree – Knight-Mason

On admission to the Order a member becomes a Knight-Mason, or a Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine. This ceremony is known as installation, and is performed in a ‘Conclave’. A Conclave is the regular unit of this Order, and the name for any assembly of members of the Order’s first degree. The ceremony is short and simple, but teaches valuable moral lessons to the candidate, based upon the story of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great,[2] and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge.

Second Degree – Priest-Mason (or Installed Eusebius

On election to serve as Viceroy (the second in command of a Conclave), a member must be admitted to the second degree, by which ceremony he becomes a Venerable Priest-Mason, or an Installed Eusebius. This ceremony is performed in a ‘College’ of Priests-Mason. A College is the name for any assembly of members of the Order’s second degree. The ceremony is highly spiritual in nature, and incorporates more overtly religious symbolism and ritual. Having received this degree the Installed Eusebius or Priest-Mason is entitled to serve as Viceroy in his own, or any other, Conclave or College. In general this degree may only be conferred on those elected to serve as Viceroy of a Conclave, although exceptions are possible by dispensation.

Third Degree – Prince-Mason

On election to serve as Sovereign (the leader of a Conclave), a member must be admitted to the third degree, by which ceremony he becomes a Perfect Prince-Mason. The ceremony is performed in a ‘Senate’ of Princes-Mason. A Senate is the name for any assembly of members of the Order’s third degree. Having received this degree the Prince-Mason is entitled to serve as Sovereign in his own, or any other, Conclave or Senate. Except by dispensation, this degree is only ever conferred on those elected as Sovereign. As with all masonic degrees, it may only be conferred on a person once – therefore a person becoming Sovereign for a second time, or in a different Conclave, would be appointed and installed into office, and would not go for a second time through the full degree ceremony.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pearl of the Orient College, SRICF


                       Pearl of the Orient College, Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatatibus Foederatis

                       Election and Installation of Officers for the year 2024-2025

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Masonic Order of Athelstan

Masonic Order of Athelstan:
Half-Yearly Regional Meeting and Conferral of Degrees
Tanza Oasis Resort Hotel
June 14-15, 2024

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Manila York Rite College No. 170



Installation of Elected and Appointed Officers for the Year 2024-2025

Venue:  Philippine Demolay Youth Center, GLP

Date: May 13, 2024

Officers for 2024-2025

Pre-Eminent Governor- ED BRO. Arlen P De Guzman OPC
Eminent Deputy Governor- CK Juanito P. Abergas 
Eminent Chancellor- CK Pravin T. Sharma
Eminent Treasurer- CK Alvan Joseph T. Balazo
Eminent Secretary - RED Bro. Evaristo A Leviste -Past Gr Gov, KCPC 
Noble Primate- CK Henry W. Cheng
Noble Preceptor- CK Eddie C. Ong
Noble Seneschal- CK Ruel L. Ditan
Noble Marshal- CK Gabriel C. Comia, Jr.
Noble Standard Bearer- CK Honesto S. Lubag 
Noble Sentinel- CK Jomel Dennis L. Maranan 
Noble Organist- CK Jesher Y. Go
Noble First Herald- CK Michael Francis M. Perez
Noble Second Herald- CK Victor Antonio T. Espejo
Noble Auditor-RED Bro. Nestor V. Tampol, OPC Gr Governor

Immediate Past Governor-ED Bro. Edgar D. Lim, OPC

Friday, March 15, 2024




About the Writer

Companion Knight Gabriel Comia Jr is a member of Asoka Conclave, Order of the Knights of Red Cross of Constantine.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Far East Coomandery No. 1 - Knights Templar Conferral of Order of the Temple

July 1, 2023 Order of the Temple  Conferral  Team at SRT Masonic Temple, Manila Philippines

88 Companions participated.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Ceremony Services for SiR Knight and Companion Maven Biscarra / Manila York Rite Bodies

Funeral Service for Sir Knight and Companion Maven Biscarra, PHP, PIM, PEC of Manila York Bodies under the jurisdiction Grand York Rite of the Philippines on June 2, 2023, as per request by the family.  ( SK&C Maven died in 2021 due to Covid), held at Phil Demolay Youth Center, Grand Lodge of the Philippines.

Present are members of his family, Officers, and Members of Manila York Rite Bodies


General Regulations

1. Every Knight Templar who was in regular standing at the time of his death is
entitled to be buried with the funeral honors of Knighthood. An unaffiliated
Knight is not entitled to the right to such honors but a Commandery may grant
them to him without breach of knightly duty.

2. Upon notice of the death of a Sir Knight entitled to funeral honors and .upon his
previous request or the request of his family, it is the duty of the Commander to
convene his Commandery for the purpose of attending the ceremonies.

3. The Sir Knights will wear the Templar Dress Uniform, their sword hilts being
suitably draped in mourning. (Possibly a black ribbon over the hilt).

4. A small Templar cross should be placed in the casket. The chapeau and sword
in the scabbard, and, if the frater was an officer, his jewel would be placed where
normally worn on the breast.

5. An honor guard consisting of 2 Sir Knights in full uniform with drawn swords
shall be stationed at the head and foot of the casket. Each Sir Knight facing away
from the casket. They shall march to the casket in a column of twos and take their
places. if they are relieved after a period of time their replacements shall march to
the casket in the same manner.

6. The 2 Sir Knights forming the Honor Guard at the casket shall stay in those
positions during the service.

7. The Commander, Prelate and other officers shall march to the casket in a
column of Two's and form two lines to the left and right of the casket so as not to
block the view of the family and mourners. A lectern shall be used for placement
of the ritual. The Prelate may wear the Prelate Robes or a full dress Templar

8. Swords of all Sir Knights except the 2 at the head and foot of the casket will remain in their scabbards.

Friday, June 2, 2023



December 12, 1952, 5:00am
Sagittarian Dragon

Sagittarius Rising

Vedic Moon Sign:  Hasta Nakshatra

General Manager, Gabcom Realty
Real Estate Sales and Development
PRC Real Estate Broker No. 1528

General Manager,
GCCO Bldg Construction
Civil Engineer # 16449
Real Estate Development


Masonic Profile:
Pagkakaisa Lodge No. 282  Under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines  http://pagkakaisa282.webs.com/
Initiated :                        Dec 29, 2002
Passed :                         March 22, 2003
Raised:                          July 26, 2003
Junior Warden :            2012
Senior Warden  :          2013

No photo description available.

Worshipful Master:      2014

ANCOM 2015 1 District Grand Lecturer:  NCR-G : 2015-2016 assigned at King Solomon Lodge No. 150

Grand Lodge Inspector:  2O18  assigned at Batong Buhay Lodge No. 27

Appendant Bodies:

Manila Bodies, Valley of Ermita, Orient of Manila, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
Under the Supreme Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Thirty-Third
and the Last Degree of A. & A. S. R. of Freemasonry of the Republic of the Philippines.

Perfect Elu, Mt. Arayat Lodge of Perfection, Manila Bodies, Valley of Ermita, Orient of Manila, Nov 27, 2OO4

Degree of the Knight Rose Croix, Manu Chapter of Rose Croix, Jan 29, 2OO5

Knight Kadosh, Confucius Council of Kadosh, Feb 25, 2OO5

Master of the Royal Secret of the 32nd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, 23rd April 2OO5

2013 : Junior Warden, Mt. Arayat, Lodge of Perfection.
2012 : Wise Master, Manu Chapter, Knights of Rose Croix
2012 : Commander, Confucius Council of Kadosh
2013 : Master of Kadosh, Gautama Consistory
32 Degree KCCH, Knight Commander of the Court of Honour

York Rite Freemasonry

Luzon York Rite
Luzon Chapter, No. 1 Of Royal Arch Masons,  October 14, 2006
Luzon Council No. 9 Of Royal and Select Masters, October 14, 2006
Luzon Commandery No. 9 Of Knights Templars, October 14, 2006

Manila York Rite
Past High Priest  2O17, Manila Chapter No. 2 Of Royal Arch Masons
Past Illustrious Master 2014, Oriental Council No. 1 Of Royal and Select Masters
Past Eminent Commander 2013, Far East Commandery No. 1 Of Knights Templar

Conferred: Super Excellent Master



Elected V111 Grade, Pearl of the Orient College – Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF)


AMD Cavite 506

Sovereign Master:  2022

Allied Masonic Degrees, Cavite Council No. 3, AMD Grand Council of the Philippines

Conferred, St Laurence the Martyr 2013
Conferred, Excellent Master 2013



Conferred: 2015

Asoka Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine

Conferred:   May 19, 2022


Member of the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross (AMORC) , under the Grand Lodge of Australia – Key Number 4002817, Oct 10, 2002


Societas Italica Rosae + Crucis

Celebrant 2019.   Mu Temple Philippine Collegium


A student of Lucis Trust (London) studying the books of Alice Bailey and Dwal Khull

World Server – ARCANE SCHOOL (New York)

Astrology Friends – Member
Association of Professional Astrologers- Member

Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Tzu Wei, Ming Shui, 4 pillars of Destiny